see what we
can do ToGETHER

MY services.

My marketing strategy is based around a foundational ground-up mentality. There is no point in continuing to row if you’re sailing in the wrong direction. I offer comprehensive solutions for each of my clients, with the ability to handle projects from concept to completion. Your business is unique, and your marketing should be too. I have the ability to start with the core business foundations (branding, website creation, and goal setting to name a few), and take you all the way to the digital public space of social media, content creation, email marketing, and more.

Here are the services I offer to help your business put its best foot forward:

  • I can help with an array of creative needs to drive your business forward. I have diverse experience helping B2B and B2C companies connect with their audience, including digital mediums to in-person efforts. Effective messaging is key, combined with stunning graphics that find your audience when and where you want them.

    Branding, Content Creation, Print Marketing, and Trade Shows

  • I can help with many components of your website to support your company. Understanding the key ways to drive traffic for your industry, optimizing your website, and including SEO strategy is a must. Done correctly, all the pieces come together to ramp up your web efforts.

    Web Design, Pop-Up Forms, Landing Pages, SEO, and Website Performance Audits

  • Digital Marketing is essential if you want to be relevant in this day and age. I specialize in digital marketing strategies that drive results for your unique business and execute tactics in your software of choice (or I can make a recommendation). I manage and oversee various pieces of that strategy.

    Email Marketing, Paid Ads, Social Media, and Automation

  • Effective marketing relies on strong data. I thrive on driving real results for your company based on your goals, and I ensure that impact through effective data management and reporting. From organized contact lists to useful reporting and analysis, my strategy is informed and you feel confident in the results. From setting up/connecting marketing software to custom reports, I’ve got you covered.

    CRM/Audience Management, Marketing Software Integration, Reporting, and Analytics

  • Every interaction starts with a true needs assessment for your unique business. I want to develop deliverables and a strategy that aligns with your goals. It’s important to understand how customers find you, and their experience with your brand’s story. Let’s set goals together and explore how to get you where you want to be.

    Customer Journey Development, SMART Goals & Strategy, and Marketing Strategy Development

  • Being a HubSpot Solutions Expert is an incredible opportunity for me to utilize my skills and knowledge in the digital marketing sphere. As a HubSpot expert, I can help companies unlock their full potential with innovative strategies and technologies tailored to their individual business needs. I have the chance to work with cutting-edge tools and continue to stay up-to-date on industry trends. Moreover, I get to build relationships with customers, provide meaningful insights and advice for their projects, and mentor them as they navigate this ever-evolving digital landscape.